Hi, I’m Adelaide Meadow.
Adelaide is a female physiology academic, movement teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant.
She has been providing holistic integrated women’s health care and studying birth and female biomechanics for over ten years.
She approaches women’s health, birth, movement, and women's culture from a physiological perspective, and believes in the genius of the body and the brilliance of women.
Her professional contributions are at the intersection of birth, movement, and biomechanics, and how physiological birth requires physiological womanhood.
Adelaide is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture.
My Journey
My practices are based not only on formal study but also on personal experience. Following an accident that resulted in severe head and pelvic trauma, I surpassed all medical recovery predictions through self-study and functional movement, and women's-based medicine. You can hear more about my decade-long healing journey by browsing any of the media features below.

What I'm About:
Everything in the female body is designed to support optimal sexual and reproductive health. And yet, female pelvic health is most often overlooked in women’s healthcare, exercise spaces, perinatal care and our modern culture as a whole. I study and teach female physiology, midwifery, and feminist history from a women-centered perspective to pave the way for vibrant female health and culture.
LEt's Collaborate
I guest teach in yoga teacher trainings, childbirth education classes, medical residency programs, and other live events where women are centered and their physical wellness is a priority.
Women's Health and Movement Education:
Trainings and mentorships lasting a minimum of three months
- Ongoing birth attendance - 2018 - present
- Ongoing Midwifery mentorship with Mandy Verghese - Licensed Midwife and Bodyworker - 2023 - present
- Functional Foot Biomechanics Course, ongoing 1:1 study with with Rali Fitness - 2023 - current
- Empowered Performance with Katie St. Clair - Professional Intensive on movement and breath biomechanics - Spring 2024
- The Breech Release - breech specific studies and bodywork with Nicole Morales CPM and Jaime Mossay LMT - Summer 2024
- LumboPelvic, Scapularthoracic Foundations with Katie St. Clair - 2023
- 1:1 Myofascial Pelvic Health Mentorship with Lindsay Courcelle - Fall 2022
- Iyengar Yoga for Healthy Pregnancy with Lois Steinburg- 2021
- Iyengar Yoga for Pregnancy Complications with Lois Steinberg - 2021
- Radical Birth Keeper School, Inaugural Class - 2020
- RPYT-85 (Registered Perinatal Yoga Teacher) for both Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga with both OmBirths and Down Under Yoga - 2020
- Spinning Babies Certified Practitioner with Gail Tully - 2019
- CAPPA Certified Childbirth Educator Training (taught by Julie Brill) - 2019
- Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy 1:1 Mentorship with Dr. Patricia Jenkyns - 2018
- DONA Breastfeeding Educator - 2018
- Yoga for Pain Reduction with Fez Aswat - 2018-2019
- Advanced Study in Qi Gong and Daoist Studies with Thomas Droge and Kevin Courtney - 2014
- Longtime mentorship with Annie Hoffman, Certified Iyengar Teacher, 2012-2023
- RYT - 500 with a focus on the Iyengar Yoga Method - 2012-2020
- RYT - 200 Boston Yoga School Inaugural Class with Ame Wren, Brenna Mathews, Joanna Benevides, Kevin Courtney, Zachary Duczak, Josh Summers, Alex Auder - 2012
- BA Studies in French and Religious Studies, Lewis and Clark College 2008-2011