A Free Masterclass with Adelaide Meadow










 September 27th // 2PM EST

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A Free Masterclass with Adelaide Meadow













So...you want to strength train?


But you're not sure where to start?

You've been wanting to commit to a movement practice, but you feel intimidated? 
You feel short on time, resources, & are unsure what to prioritize for your female body?
I don't blame you.
Between the male-centered workout world, the immense pressure of responsibilities on mothers, & the pelvic symptoms so many women are living with...

It can feel like our modern lifestyle (and even our modern fitness culture) is zapping our strength & vitality. 

Women, in particular, are bombarded with marketing that emphasizes pushing - from pushups in yoga to pushing strollers, and squatting- from getting down on the floor with your kids to moving around in your garden. Yet, it's the often-neglected aspects of strength training—hinging, pulling, and strengthening the posterior chain—that can truly transform your life, & your pelvic health.

Female-focused strength training can be your path to moving better, improved health, and pain-free living.

Join me for a FREE masterclass to learn how functional strength training can make your daily activities more effortless and pain-free, from carrying heavy loads to chasing after your babies.

If you're a woman who understands the importance of your pelvic health & you want to learn how strength training can play a role in your longterm vitality, this class is for you.

Yes, this is for me!

Womanhood requires strength.

If you're in your preconception phase, a comfortable pregnancy begins with building strength now.
If you're pregnant, birth is easier when your body is strong and supple.
If you have small children running around, or if you're well past that life stage, you know your body requires strength & replenishment. 

With strength training, we reconnect with the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, who effortlessly hinged, pulled, squatted, & walked for hours on end with a baby on their back.

Women, it's time to prioritize your strength. 


Learn how to support your pelvic health, AND become the strong woman you're meant to be.


I’m ready to learn.

In this free class, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of shifting your focus from pushing to pulling, & how this shift can lead to functional strength, improved health, and a pain-free lifestyle.
  • Practical techniques & exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine, making everyday tasks easier & more effortless.
  • Why structural weakness may be at the root of chronic pain & discomfort, and how strength training can alleviate these issues.
  • Strategies to support your pelvic health so you can heal in strength-training.
  • How to become a stronger, healthier woman and mother ensuring that you can meet the demands of your family with vitality & strength.

In this free class, you’ll learn:

  • Why structural weakness may be at the root of chronic pain & discomfort, and how strength training can alleviate these issues.


  • The importance of shifting your focus to functional strength, with your pelvic health in mind, so you can gain muscle without compromising your physiological integrity.


  • Practical techniques & exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine, making everyday tasks easier & more effortless.


  • Why focusing your fitness on squats, pushups, & running is not optimal for female bodies, and how a female-focused strength training approach is the way.


  • Strategies to support your pelvic health so you can feel good in your strength-training.


  • How to become a stronger, healthier mother & woman ensuring that you can meet the demands of your family with vitality & strength.
I’m ready to learn.

If you're a woman who understands the importance of your pelvic health & you want to learn how strength training can play a vital role in your longterm vitality, this class is for you.

Join me for a FREE masterclass to learn how functional strength training can make your daily activities more effortless and pain-free, from carrying heavy loads to chasing after your babies.


Strength training is not complicated, it doesn't take a lot of time, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

Get access to the FREE replay!