Learn, Move, & Heal: Feel Solid in Your Core and Pelvic Health



 Learn, Heal, & Move: Feel Confident in your Female Body

True Core Health is a comprehensive core and pelvic healing program for the woman who wants to deepen her understanding of her body, and resolve her diastasis, prolapse, back pain, and pelvic pain- FOR GOOD.

True Core Health is a comprehensive core and pelvic healing program for the woman who wants to deepen her understanding of her body, and resolve her diastasis, prolapse, back pain, and pelvic pain- FOR GOOD.

I’m ready to experience True Core Health.
I’m ready to experience True Core Health.

Do you struggle with bladder leakage, back pain, or anoragsmic sex? You’ve done all the kegels, all the pilates, and your symptoms keep getting WORSE.

Are you a busy mom? Your body doesn’t feel the same after you had your babies, and you know you want to build strength, but the  workouts you’ve tried either HURT and/or felt unsustainable for your lifestyle?

Maybe you’ve been working towards a flat belly your whole life…but nothings ever really worked, and programs have left you feeling worse about yourself, not better.

Invest in a program that celebrates and strengthens your female body, rather than focusing on flat abs, beach bodies, and bounceback culture.

Ultimately, a lot of the cues and movements taught in fitness are centered around the male body, and in many ways are contraindicated for our long term female health.


And the results are in: 

These practices are failing women.


Over 50% of women will have a structural pelvic health concern in her lifetime, whether that’s incontinence or prolapse.


40% of American women will have a complete ovariohysterectomy in her lifetime (these are often  performed to treat prolapse, yet statistics show they’re also one of the leading causes).


50% of women are not having regular orgasms (and this number often increases after having children).


I know that we can absolutely do better and it doesn't have to be complicated.

True Core Health is here to dispel the myths about core strength for women, and to create what we really want, which is functional core and pelvic strength, stable bodies and better sex!

Take the first step.

True core health is so much more than sit ups, fitness trends, and #fitmom culture. 


I define True Core Health for women as encompassing our pelvic health, our sexual and reproductive health, and our emotional health.


In fact, it’s the foundation of our women’s health. 


And yet we’re taught the exact opposite.


We are cued to tuck our tailbones, suck in our bellies, and that our worth is related to the LOOK (not the health) of our cores. 


So many of us walk around subtly sucking in their stomachs and wishing our bodies were different. 


We’ve “worked on our abs” for so many years, with no real lasting results.


We are told to focus on “getting our bodies back” after our babes, with little regard for our pelvic (or emotional) health.


And guess what? All of this stuff is harming our TRUE CORE AND PELVIC HEALTH - the foundation of our female bodies.

Ultimately, a lot of the cues and movements taught in fitness are centered around the male body, and in many ways are contraindicated for our long term female health.


And the results are in: 

These practices are failing women.


Over 50% of women will have a structural pelvic health concern in her lifetime, whether that’s incontinence or prolapse.


40% of American women will have a complete ovariohysterectomy in her lifetime (these are often  performed to treat prolapse, yet statistics show they’re also one of the leading causes).


50% of women are not having regular orgasms (and this number often increases after having children).


I know that we can absolutely do better and it doesn't have to be complicated.

True Core Health is here to dispel the myths about core strength for women, and to create what we really want, which is functional core and pelvic strength, stable bodies and better sex!

True core health is so much more than sit ups, fitness trends, and #fitmom culture. 


I define True Core Health for women as encompassing our pelvic health, our sexual and reproductive health, and our emotional health.


In fact, it’s the foundation of our women’s health. 


And yet we’re taught the exact opposite.


We are cued to tuck our tailbones, suck in our bellies, and that our worth is related to the LOOK (not the health) of our cores. 


So many of us walk around subtly sucking in their stomachs and wishing our bodies were different. 


We’ve “worked on our abs” for so many years, with no real lasting results.


We are told to focus on “getting our bodies back” after our babes, with little regard for our pelvic (or emotional) health.


And guess what? All of this stuff is harming our TRUE CORE AND PELVIC HEALTH - the foundation of our female bodies.

I’m ready to feel GOOD in my body!

After working with True Core Health, you will:

  • Understand what the female core actually is - and how to create support and strength
  • Create a function-based approach to female core health (rather than an aesthetic one)
  • Clarify the cause of your symptoms 
  • Heal your diastasis recti, prolapse and incontinence
  • Experience better sex and stronger orgasms
  • Resolve your nagging back pain (or pelvic pain, or hip pain…)
  • Feel strong and secure in your female body
  • Improve your athletic performance or strength training goals

If you want to feel vibrant, vital, and strong in your body…


You want to heal your diastasis, prolapse, or incontinence once and for all…


You want to have better sex and experience the full potential of your female health…


True Core Health is for you.

Invest in your core and pelvic health.




A comprehensive course on True Core Health for women.

A deep dive into what is actually happening in your body. Most courses just tell you what to do without explaining the WHY, and helping you really understand your healing journey. Understanding what’s going on in our individual cases is the key to truly resolving our core and pelvic health concerns, and preventing future flare-ups. You can understand this information.

This section is full of informational videos that will help you:

  • Assess your own structural core and pelvic health
  • Understand the different types of prolapse and what you personally are struggling with
  • Palpate for your own diastasis (so you can track your own progress)
  • Understand the five essential actions for true core health
  • Learn the difference between prolapse, diastasis, and incontinence (and how they are connected)
  • Heal and understand structural pelvic health concerns and pain in pregnancy and postpartum
  • Understand your unique female physiology and how it differs from that of men (and why this is obviously key to your healing)

Individualized routines for three unique stages of healing and a robust movement library.

  1. Simple movement prescriptions for women who are newly (or progressively) symptomatic, or have just discovered their prolapse, diastasis, or pain. 
  2. Movement progressions for women whose symptoms have improved, they feel better but “don’t trust it”, and are ready to gain strength without taking steps back in their healing. 
  3. We all have the capacity to grow our athleticism in integrity with our female core and pelvic health. If you’re strength training, have an active hobby you love, or are looking to prevent these pelvic health concerns, there’s a plan for you, too.

Including follow-along movement classes for your unique stage of healing.

This section is also here to help you:

  • Find appropriate exercises and cueing, no matter your stage of strength and healing

  •  Support movement teachers in expanding their movement vocabulary and cueing specifically for the female body

  •  Learn how to move in a variety of ways while supporting your core and pelvic health (rather than detracting from it)

  • Take the guesswork out of “is this exercise appropriate for me?” by being able to select exercises based on your stage of healing

  • Switch up your movement routines, keep from getting bored, and incorporate new movements which is essential for our longterm health and structural integrity


A collection of videos and PDFS for truly integrated healing.

Our core and pelvic health are deeply related to our emotional and spiritual health, we heal when we treat ourselves as the integrated beings that we are. Healing is SO MUCH MORE than just exercises.

Building a lifestyle of routines and self care practices is just as essential as understanding your physiology, and moving like a woman. In this section you'll find supportive materials in regards to nutrition tips for healing prolapse, supporting your hormonal blueprint for better bladder function, and how child spacing relates to our true core health. 

This section also includes:

  • Bladder hacks for incontinence
  • Prolapse support in pregnancy and immediate postpartum
  • Fear, sex & your prolapse
  • Emotional healing support with stress and trauma stored in the body
  • Abdominal massage
  • Diastasis recti self-care
  • How to care for a c-section scar
  • Diet, digestion, and diastasis
  • Videos on how to: 
    • sit 
    • stand 
    • walk
    • lift heavy things 
  • Access to our monthly Q&As to talk through not just the physical but also the emotional aspects of our core and pelvic healing



In addition to all of these materials you will have your questions answered right here in the course as well as have access to monthly women's and pelvic health Q&As. 



A comprehensive course on True Core Health for women.

A deep dive into what is actually happening in your body. Most courses just tell you what to do without explaining the WHY, and helping you really understand your healing journey. Understanding what’s going on in our individual cases is the key to truly resolving our core and pelvic health concerns, and preventing future flare-ups. You can understand this information.

This section is full of informational videos that will help you:

  • Assess your own structural core and pelvic health
  • Understand the different types of prolapse and what you personally are struggling with
  • Palpate for your own diastasis (so you can track your own progress)
  • Understand the five essential actions for true core health
  • Learn the difference between prolapse, diastasis, and incontinence (and how they are connected)
  • Heal and understand structural pelvic health concerns and pain in pregnancy and postpartum
  • Understand your unique female physiology and how it differs from that of men (and why this is obviously key to your healing)


A robust movement library specific to female core and pelvic health.

If you’ve been wondering how to do a wide variety of movements and exercises that are specifically in integrity with your female body, this section has you covered. This robust movement library is full of individualized movement videos- all uniquely and specifically cued for our true core health. Each video is labeled by phase of healing for easy searchability.  Being able to do a variety of movements is crucial for maximizing your full potential in body, mind, and spirit. And for not getting bored!

This section is here to help you:

  • Find appropriate exercises and cueing, no matter your stage of strength and healing

  •  Support movement teachers in expanding their movement vocabulary and cueing specifically for the female body

  •  Learn how to move in a variety of ways while supporting your core and pelvic health (rather than detracting from it)

  • Take the guesswork out of “is this exercise appropriate for me?” by being able to select exercises based on your stage of healing

  • Switch up your movement routines, keep from getting bored, and incorporate new movements which is essential for our longterm health and structural integrity


Individualized routines for three unique stages of healing. 

  1. Simple movement prescriptions for women who are newly (or progressively) symptomatic, or have just discovered their prolapse, diastasis, or pain. 
  2. Movement progressions for women whose symptoms have improved, they feel better but “don’t trust it”, and are ready to gain strength without taking steps back in their healing. 
  3. We all have the capacity to grow our athleticism in integrity with our female core and pelvic health. If you’re strength training, have an active hobby you love, or are looking to prevent these pelvic health concerns, there’s a plan for you, too.

This section also includes:

  • Follow-along movement classes for your unique stage of healing
  • Bladder hacks for incontinence
  • Prolapse support in pregnancy and immediate postpartum
  • Fear, sex & your prolapse
  • Abdominal massage
  • Diastasis recti self-care
  • How to care for a c-section scar
  • Diet, digestion, and diastasis

In addition to all of these materials you will have your questions answered right here in the course as well as have access to monthly women's and pelvic health Q&As. 

"I dealt with sacrum and posterior pelvic pain my whole pregnancy. I know this sounds crazy, but within five minutes of doing the movement and breath coordination that Adelaide suggested, my sacrum pain immediately improved. I’m a lifetime dancer, and a prenatally trained yoga teacher. I know a lot about fitness and movement, and even given all of this, her exercises, techniques, and cues really shifted everything for me. I feel so much more confident, moving into my birth and postpartum healing."


"I dealt with sacrum and posterior pelvic pain my whole pregnancy. I know this sounds crazy, but within five minutes of doing the movement and breath coordination that Adelaide suggested, my sacrum pain immediately improved. I’m a lifetime dancer, and a prenatally trained yoga teacher. I know a lot about fitness and movement, and even given all of this, her exercises, techniques, and cues really shifted everything for me. I feel so much more confident, moving into my birth and postpartum healing." 


True Core Health is for you if you are experiencing: 

  • Back pain
  • Prolapse
  • Incontinence
  • Pelvic heaviness
  • Pelvic pain
  • Chronic stiffness/tight hips
  • Instability
  • SI joint pain
  • Pubic symphysis pain
  • Belly distension
  • A spongy midline
  • An umbilical hernia
  • Pelvic pain
  • Poor posture
  • Sleepy lower abs
  • Coning/doming
  • Anorgasmic sex

All of these women’s health concerns are related, and their healing is also related. When one gets better, so do the others. You can heal.


  • 3 comprehensive sections: Learn, Heal, & Move
  • Live Q+A and support calls with Adelaide
  • Dozens of thoroughly informative, bite-sized videos
  • Self- paced movement curriculum for all stages of your pelvic healing 
  • Individualized programs that meet you where you’re at 
  • Informational PDFs and bonus materials
  • Responsive forum right in the course for questions & answers
  • One full year of access to the course
  • A discount on my progressive program, Strength Training for the Female Body

True Core Health is for you if you are experiencing: 

  • Back pain
  • Prolapse
  • Incontinence
  • Pelvic heaviness
  • Pelvic pain
  • Chronic stiffness/tight hips
  • Instability
  • SI joint pain
  • Pubic symphysis pain
  • Belly distension
  • A spongy midline
  • An umbilical hernia
  • Pelvic pain
  • Poor posture
  • Sleepy lower abs
  • Coning/doming
  • Anorgasmic sex

All of these women’s health concerns are related, and their healing is also related. When one gets better, so do the others. You can heal.



  • 3 comprehensive sections: Learn, Move, & Heal

  • Live Q+A and support calls with Adelaide

  • Dozens of thoroughly informative, bite-sized videos

  • Self- paced movement curriculum for all stages of your pelvic healing 

  • Individualized programs that meet you where you’re at 

  • Informational PDFs and bonus materials

  • Responsive forum right in the course for questions & answers

  • One full year access to the course

  • A discount on my progressive program, Strength Training for the Female Body

Start your True Core Health journey with this free class:

Ditch the Crunches to Build Core Strength 


Invest in your True Core Health.

I’m not training to lose weight and look skinny. I’m training  for my old lady body: strong bones, strong heart, all my organs, stable pelvis, and orgasms into my 80’s. You too?


"Adelaide has an incredible ability to explain what would normally feel very complex to me into simple easy to understand language. This has helped me understand what's happening in my body and how to fully inhabit my female form with more confidence and ease. I've noticed very positive results in my body after even a short time of working with her. I wish all women could soak up her wisdom!"  


"Adelaide has an incredible ability to explain what would normally feel very complex to me into simple easy to understand language. This has helped me understand what's happening in my body and how to fully inhabit my female form with more confidence and ease. I've noticed very positive results in my body after even a short time of working with her. I wish all women could soak up her wisdom!" 



I’m ready to feel strong and secure in my female body.

About Adelaide


Adelaide is a physiologist, yoga teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant who is passionate about the radical feminist reclamation of the body.


She personally has healed herself from complex rectal prolapse, debilitating hip and back pain, and hip and pelvic fractures, and painful sex, through a focus on women-centered movement and health.


She is passionate about liberating movement practices from biologically inaccurate and harmful bodily teachings that are grounded in male physiology, and rebirthing female movement practices.


She is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture. She can be found walking her dogs, hanging with her darling husband, and forever reminding women to untuck their tailbones and drop their front ribs.


About Adelaide

Adelaide is a physiologist, yoga teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant who is passionate about the radical feminist reclamation of the body.
She personally has healed herself from complex rectal prolapse, debilitating hip and back pain, and hip and pelvic fractures, and painful sex, through a focus on women-centered movement and health.
She is passionate about liberating movement practices from biologically inaccurate and harmful bodily teachings that are grounded in male physiology, and rebirthing female movement practices.
She is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture. She can be found walking her dogs, hanging with her darling husband, and forever reminding women to untuck their tailbones and drop their front ribs.

LEARN about the anatomy and physiology of core health.


MOVE in a way that will help you heal your whole body and build true core health.


& HEAL your diastasis recti, prolapse, and back & pelvic pain…FOR GOOD.

We have 2 options...



  •  Access to the full course on your date of purchase.
  • Access to the live monthly Q&A calls (at varying times on the last Friday of every month)
  • Ongoing capacity for question and answer within the course forum
  • Access to annual program for 1 year from point of purchase
  • Ability to join this Founding Cohort of women, all learning, moving, and healing together!



6 monthly payments




  • Access to the full course on your date of purchase
  • Access to the live monthly Q&A calls (at varying times on the last Friday of every month)
  • Ongoing capacity for question and answer within the course forum
  • Access to annual program for 1 year from point of purchase
  • Ability to join this Founding Cohort of women, all learning, moving, and healing together!
  • A TCH exclusive 60-minute 1:1 coaching session to discuss your unique pelvic health history, questions, concerns, and healing journey 



6 monthly payments




6 monthly payments


"Adelaide is amazingly skilled as an instructor, and also so smart and intuitive. She is changing women's lives, empowering them to live pain-free and get to know their bodies in the most intimate ways. Her approach to movement, strength training, and women’s health, makes her my go-to resource on this topic. She is truly a joy to be around and I feel honored to call her a mentor, colleague and friend."