Healing Movement For the First 40 Days

There’s so much pressure to “get moving” quickly after birth, but wise women know that is not the way forward...

Yet maybe, your back and hips are aching, you crave that feeling of stretch, and you’re feeling restless in your body.

You know you need to rest and respect the healing process…yet you wonder if there are ways you can move that support your early postpartum body.

The truth is: movement is deeply nourishing for the body, at every stage of healing.

The key is knowing what type of movement is appropriate for this early and tender stage.

Gentle and repetitive movement patterns are incredibly soothing for our nervous system, and can help us step into our bodies.

This isn’t a class about “bouncing back”, or “exercising”.

This is a class about restoring function and comfort in a gentle way, while respecting the deep need for rest in the first forty days.

In this class, we will:

  • Deepen our understanding of pelvic anatomy in the early postpartum period
  • Learn several healing movements that will soothe and support your body in those first few weeks after your baby is born
  • Practice breathing techniques, exercises that can be done in bed or while nursing, and simple movements to be done whenever you stand up to pee!

$59.00 USD

I know that my body and my health is my responsibility, and I’m up for it! These materials are here to support me. Nothing in this course is medical advice, because my healing doesn’t need to be a medical process. I understand that my purchase is non-refundable.

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